iFix and Express Steel Fixing Collaboration
iFix Reinforcements and Express Reinforcements Join forces due to increase in steel fixing production demand!!
iFix Reinforcements and Express Reinforcements have started to collaborate resources to keep up with Demand.
Established in 1984, Express Reinforcements Ltd has grown to become a market leader in the supply of reinforcing products via its four UK-based fabrication facilities.
As part of their services Express Reinforcements Ltd provide a modular pre assembly service. This is where the steel fixing of the pre-fabricated steel structures is completed at the Neath Depot and are delivered to the desired site ready for placement and pouring. This service is an ever increasing demand and the reason why iFix Reinforcements and Express Reinforcements have decided to collaborate our resources.
iFix Reinforcements started working at the Neath, South Wales, Prefabrication yard during the month of May this Year. Since that time a strong working relationship has been developed with Express Reinforcements Ltd. iFix reinforcements can see a great opportunity here for long consistent work periods over the foreseeable future.
For more information on Express Reinforcements Ltd please see www.expressreinforcements.co.uk
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